Even though I took no journalism classes in college, I have always believed that a fundamental tenet of fair reporting is actually asking the person what they think before you print what they think. But, apparently this would ruin good stories in a local Spartanburg paper, among other liberal rags. I voted against the so-called CDV bill precisely because it does almost nothing to truly punish offenders. And, I voted against it after my amendment to send violent abusers to jail (not just ban their guns and hope) was tabled.

The current CDV bill indeed divides the crime into three categories, and that may have some legal merit, but no one really knows. The bill doesn’t punish violent offenders unless they leave their victim an inch from death which is CDV in the first degree (a felony with jail time). But, the abuser who only knocks their spouse unconscious is CDV in the second degree (misdemeanor, pays $2500 fine and goes home). In other words Ray Rice gets a misdemeanor, small fine, and zero days in jail. And since he obviously didn’t need a gun in the first place, then he’s suffered no real consequence by losing it.

I offered an amendment to actually make CDV penalties stiffer by making second degree a felony and striping firearms away from those convicted of any degree of CDV. I still believe that most people would want someone who beat their spouse unconscious to actually go to jail. The Spartanburg paper never even reported on my amendment and that leaves me with the conclusion that it’s not important to them (or their liberal parent company) that violent criminals go to jail as long as the Second Amendment gets a little weaker whenever the opportunity arises.

I’m not going to vote for a bill with an emotionally charged title which in reality does nothing just so a few of my colleagues can have a photo op at the signing. My desire, is for people who violently abuse their spouse to go to jail, not pay a small fine and go right back home (only now a lot angrier). Others clearly have a different agenda. But don’t take my word for it; this South Carolina bill has been reported on by the Wall Street Journal and Fox News as an effort crafted in New York by former liberal Mayor Michael Bloomberg.