I reported to you earlier that Senator Tom Davis (Conservative—Beaufort) crafted an amendment to more precisely define the action of stopping Obamacare in South Carolina. I will spare you the legalese, but it effectively prevented the use of state resources to promote or pursue Obamacare. I can tell you without a doubt that it would have worked too. I know this because the RINOcrat majority successfully challenged the amendment on a technicality in order to prevent it from being adopted. When, in fact, the Conservatives in the Senate tried to challenge the ruling, the RINOcrat majority voted to shut us down. The short story is that once the RINOcrats killed the viable amendment, then they successfully hid behind the “unconstitutionality” of “nullification” to kill the bill altogether.

I, and the eight other conservatives in the Senate, voted for nullification anyway but the fight was over. I told The State paper that night that, “I’m really surprised that only nine members took a stand against Obamacare,” but in retrospect I really am not. This is just another chapter in the long story of RINOcrat rule in South Carolina. Obamacare will be permanent in South Carolina until enough conservatives sit in the General Assembly and the Governor’s Office.


  • RINOcrat: A mixture of RINOs and Democrats, where Democrats and former Democrats who migrated to the Republican Party, along with Republicans who talk out of both sides of their mouth, telling constituents they are conservative, but all voting together in support of the Democrats.