The Senate Republican caucus has issued what now is the fourth proposal for fixing our roads. I do not support it, because like the other three, it raises taxes first. We just demonstrated in the Senate annual budget, that it’s not necessary to raise taxes first to fund our roads, and the vote to send existing funds to our roads only solidifies my opposition to a tax increase. We can do it, if we want to. I am fine with SCDOT restructuring, and I am fine with sending resources to the counties to work on their local roads, but I know that we don’t have to raise taxes to do any of that. I will oppose an increase in the gas tax, especially now that we have proven we can fund roads without one.

Unfortunately the huge gas tax increase legislation passed by the House of Representatives was modified by the Senate Finance Committee to increase taxes further. This bill has been set for “special order” and will be debated in the coming weeks. I remain troubled by how fast some of my colleagues want to raise your taxes first.